"It was hard to relax as they played together, knowing he still has active molluscum contagiosum"

Has treating your child's Molluscum Contagiosum left you feeling a little SHOOK?! turns out we are not the only ones! Once our 1 year olds case had finally disappeared ( we had great success with Mollumclear), we were relieved, but at the same time, every small spot, dot or blemish that appeared on her, had my heart skip a beat. The thought of the virus returning was just too much! Returning to swimming lessons was literally something I had to breathe through for some time. I was so panicky about Molluscum coming back.. I knew getting back to normal and participating in all aspects of life for Aubs was so important. Still, it made me feel very uncomfortable for the longest time after our molluscum battle had been won.. 

The same is said in a post below ( shared with permission ) from a member of our awesome Molluscum Contagiosum support group. The group has members from mainly New Zealand and Australia who share their tips, tricks and Molluscum Contagiosum treatments. Thank you, Bren, for allowing me to share your post; the number of people it resonated with was heartwarming, and the post replies show we are not alone when it comes to our concern around molluscum returning!   

"After getting rid of my daughter's Molluscum Contagiosum, we did our first trip to a community pool for a birthday party this last weekend, and I felt soooo paranoid! My daughter had so much fun, but all I could think about was any potential Molluscum virus on the surfaces or floating through the pool, haha. I feel like I'll never be the same! Also saw her cousin, who I'm assuming she got it from and who still has it, and it was hard to relax as they played together, knowing he still has active molluscum contagiosum. My sister chooses not to treat it, and I guess I'd have to decide for my daughter not to see him until it's gone to be extra safe, but that could be years, so just being careful, I guess. Made me sad on both occasions because I'm so traumatised by our experience and never want to go through it again. Just hopefully, we can manage it ok if it ever does. " 

Yes, Molluscum can be caught repeatedly; the virus resides only in the top layer of the skin ( Epidermis) never enters the bloodstream or circulates through the body. This is why immunity to the molluscum virus is never achieved. Once the Molluscum spots have gone, spreading can no longer occur. Another interesting fact: Molluscum Contagiosum does not stay dormant or sleep like other common skin conditions such as the cold sore virus ( herpes). 

So how do you stop Molluscum from coming back? Here are 4 of our top tips to minimise reinfection!

1. Shower after using public swimming pools and use a natural antiseptic body wash we love. The body was made by Manukabiotics.

2. Encourage your child to be aware of what the spots look like so if they find one, they can let you know right away and begin your treatment routine before things get out of hand. Remember, its easier to treat one spot before it turns 30.

3. Suffers with a compromised immune system seem to have a more challenging time fighting the molluscum contagiosum virus once the body realises it is there. So eating a well-balanced diet with immune-supporting supplements where needed is definitely worthwhile. Molluscum is a Virus, so you can only support the body's response to killing the virus!
We take these supplements religiously: 
*Vitamin C ( according to directions )
*Vitamin D ( according to directions )
*Zinc where needed - easy Zinc tests can be purchased from here:
* Probiotics powder or caps depending on the age of your kids. Great added to a wholefoods smoothy in the morning 
4. Good handwashing is essential for keeping Molluscum at bay and many other gastro, colds flus our kids are exposed to!

We hope this has been helpful and as always please feel free to reach out with any question! :) 

Join our group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1050737822105919

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